Why Talk about AIDS and Sex | Questions and Answers about AIDS | We need to talk about AIDS | Answering their questions

Find more information, get some help

The local health unit or hospital. You can call or visit your local health clinic. It should have pamphlets and books for you to read. You can also get help from trained nurses, doctors and social workers there.

At your public library. The public library should have information on AIDS/HIV. To save time, you could ask the librarian to help you find the books quickly.

At the doctor's office. Your doctor should have books about AIDS, sexuality and talking with your children. Ask your doctor where to look for more information.

AIDS Hotlines. Most places in US have a toll-free number to call for information or help about AIDS/HIV. They can find someone in your community to help you.

Local clergy. Many places of worship have organized information and support services. Your local clergy may be able to help you.

From family or friends. You can talk to your spouse or partner. There may be a person in your family or a friend who knows about health issues. He or she may know how to find information or help in your community.

Read about HIV/AIDS and sexuality


Living with HIV and AIDS

About talking with your children:

Changing Bodies, Changing Lives by Ruth Bell
This is a good book for teens who like to read.

Raising a Child Responsibly in a Sexually Permissive World by Sol and Judith Gordon
This book contains lots of sound advice about good communications.

How to Talk with Children About Sex - A Parent's Guide from Planned Parenthood

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
This book describes how to talk with your children and change their behavior. Practical suggestions are illustrated and explained in an interesting way.

Have your children read about HIV/AIDS and sexuality

Preschoolers and children in primary school

Where Did I Come From? by Peter Mayle
This colorful, illustrated book provides the answers for both children (ages 4 to 9) and parents.

How was I Born? by L. Nilsson
This book uses photography and warm family scenes to describe reproduction and birth, especially well-suited for parents to read to their children.


What's Happening to Me? by Peter Mayle
This book is for children ages 8 to 14 and provides simple, clear answers to children's questions.

Medical Information and Health Information AIDSspace community

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